Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the New Year, 2012!!!  I hope you are finding these first few weeks inspirational and healing. 

This is the month when a lot of people make resolutions for health and well-being  and if you started some New Year's resolutions on January 1st you are well on your way to making them become a habit in your life.

January is always a very quiet month for me.  I feel a need to turn inward after the hectic pace of the holidays.  And with the weather cold and the days at their shortest it makes it very easy to do so.

I've been thinking a lot about where my Ayurvedic Practice will take me this year.  I started out by moving my office to a new location on January 1st.  It has a larger conference room and a sizable kitchen space.   My intention is to be able to accommodate  more students in my classes and to be able to hold cooking classes as well.  The first of these classes will be held in February.  I am also forming a monthly  meditation group and a once a month beginning meditation class.  Follow this link for the dates and times of these events: February Events

And if you are thinking of bringing more balance into your life this year, don't forget that my Ayurvedic Consultations are 20% off until January 31.

Blessings for the New Year,