Healing Affirmations
1. Everything that has brought me to this moment in time and space has occurred. I recognize, embrace, and connect with the web of synchronistic events that has brought me to the here and now.
2. All interwoven events that have brought me to this moment have occurred and are now in the past. I permit myself to relax, release, and allow my life to unfold with grace, freedom, and love.
3. I allow complete healing to occur in those places of my body, heart, mind, and soul that have been holding resistance, resentment, regret, fear, or pain.
4. I apologize to anyone and everyone I have hurt as a result of my constricted awareness, resistance, or fear. I wish them unconditional love, healing, happiness, and peace.
5. I forgive anyone with whom I associate my pain, anyone who has caused me sorrow or anguish (including myself), and wish them unconditional love, healing, happiness, and peace.
6. I, like everyone, deserve a life abundant in unconditional love, healing, happiness, and peace.
7. I commit to a life abundant in unconditional love, healing, happiness, and peace.
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